Tools Used: PACT (Apxor’s in-house performance monitoring tool)
Benchmarking candidate: Firebase SDK
Duration of each run: 10 minutes
Total no. of runs: 10
Impact on App Size
S.No. | Description | App Size |
1 | Standalone App | 3.8 MB |
2 | App + NudgesSDK | 4.55 MB (+750 KB) |
3 | App + FirebaseSDK | 4.6 MB (+800 KB) |
CPU Bechmarking
The following matrix consists of Device vs %CPU consumed
Device | Standalone App | App + ApxorNudgesSDK | App + FirebaseSDK |
OnePlus 3 (Android 9) | 23.12 | 31.6 | 49.08 |
OnePlus 7 (Android 10) | 8.62 | 10.70 | 12.43 |
Xiaomi Mi A1 (Android 9) | 24.23 | 30.40 | 35.94 |
Xiaomi Mi A3 (Android 10) | 6.69 | 8.25 | 7.52 |
Note On an average, for the high end devices (OnePlus 5 and above) with ApxorNudgesSDK integrated, CPU usage would increase by 2% while with FirebaseSDK it would increase by 4-5% .
In low end devices with ApxorNudgesSDK integrated, CPU usage would increase by 8% while for firebase the CPU usage would increase by 20%.
Memory Bechmarking
The following matrix consists of Device vs Memory Usage in KB
Device | App + ApxorNudgesSDK | App + FirebaseSDK |
OnePlus 3 (Android 9) | 24.84 | 28.92 |
OnePlus 7 (Android 10) | 24.62 | 29.38 |
Xiaomi Mi A1 (Android 9) | 18.10 | 24.18 |
Xiaomi Mi A3 (Android 10) | 20.11 | 26.90 |
Note For ApxorNudgesSDK with all the plugins installed, the memory increases by 30 KB which is on par with the Firebase SDK that has seen an increase by 29 KB.
Battery Usage Bechmarking
The following matrix consists of Device vs %Battery Drain
Device | Standalone App | App + ApxorNudgesSDK | App + FirebaseSDK |
OnePlus 3 (Android 9) | 0.15 | 0.19 | 0.29 |
OnePlus 7 (Android 10) | 0.03 | 0.05 | 0.05 |
Xiaomi Mi A1 (Android 9) | 0.18 | 0.23 | 0.32 |
Xiaomi Mi A3 (Android 10) | 0.12 | 0.13 | 0.13 |
Note For ApxorNudgesSDK with all the plugins installed on an average the battery drain % would be 0.03% while with the FirebaseSDK installed it is recorded to be around 0.06%.
Last updated