
This template allows you to evaluate users' feelings about a particular statement. Users are asked to choose from a range of options scaled between two extremes: Terrible and Excellent. You can choose a rating scale between 1 to 5 and 0 to 10


  • Rating style can be: Classis, Stylized, or Numbered

  • Under the advance section, you can select the action after rating, between Redirect to Play Store and Provide Further Question.

  • Enter the play store link or the question you want to redirect to.

  • Customize the follow-up question's placeholder, text color, placeholder color, background color, and max character limit.

  • Based on the response submitted by the user, redirect them to different questions or playstore links.

  • Set the rules for response-based redirection in ASK IF USER SELECTS section. Select the minimum and maximum ratings submitted by the user to trigger the particular redirection.

  • Click on Add more and follow the same procedure to add more redirections.

Last updated