This template allows you to evaluate users' feelings about a particular statement. Users are asked to choose from a range of options scaled between two extremes: Terrible and Excellent. You can choose a rating scale between 1 to 5 and 0 to 10
Rating style can be: Classis, Stylized, or Numbered
Under the advance section, you can select the action after rating, between Redirect to Play Store and Provide Further Question.
Enter the play store link or the question you want to redirect to.
Customize the follow-up question's placeholder, text color, placeholder color, background color, and max character limit.
Based on the response submitted by the user, redirect them to different questions or playstore links.
Set the rules for response-based redirection in ASK IF USER SELECTS section. Select the minimum and maximum ratings submitted by the user to trigger the particular redirection.
Click on Add more and follow the same procedure to add more redirections.
Last updated