
Things to keep handy before starting your integration with Apxor

Please have the following handy before beginning the integration:

Android Integration

Step 1: Getting started

Run the following command in your terminal from the project folder. This command will fetch the apxor plugins for you.

cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-apxor-sdk

Step 2: Add Proguard Rules


If you use proguard to obfuscate the classes, you have to add the following to ignore obfuscation for Apxor SDK classes

Configure the below rules in your file

Path: <project>/<app-module>/

-keep class com.apxor.** { *; }
-dontwarn com.apxor.**


If you use androidx libraries, add the following property in file

android.enableJetifier = true

Step 3: Initialize Apxor Android SDK

  • To Auto initialize SDK (Recommended), add following meta-data tag inside your application tag in your AndroidManifest.xml file

        <!-- You must replace your app in android:value attribute -->
        <meta-data android:name="APXOR_APP_ID" android:value="APP_ID" />
  • To manually initialize SDK, call ApxorSDK.initialize method in your Application class

    import com.apxor.androidsdk.core.ApxorSDK;
    public class MyApplication extends Application {
        public void onCreate() {
            // ...
            ApxorSDK.initialize(<YOUR_APP_ID>, this.getApplicationContext());

Step 4: Enable uninstall tracking for your users [Optional]


  • If you would like to track uninstalls, you must include apxor-android-sdk-push dependency in app/build.gradle file and corresponding JSON object in assets/plugins.json file

  • Apxor sends silent push notifications to track uninstalls. Please make sure you handle push notifications which will be sent with your SENDER_ID and ignore all notifications other than your SENDER_ID

Apxor uses your firebase server key to send silent push notifications to track uninstalls in order to measure outcomes of your campaign. To enable this please do the following :

Path : app/build.gradle

firebase-messaging version >= 22.0.0
  • Add the following dependency in your app/build.gradle

    dependencies {
      // Add this to track uninstalls and send push notifications from Apxor dashboard
      implementation('com.apxor.androidx:apxor-android-sdk-push-v2:1.2.7@aar') {
        exclude group: ''
  • Add the following in plugins.json file

      "plugins": [
          "name": "push",
          "class": "com.apxor.androidsdk.plugins.push.v2.PushPlugin"
firebase-messaging version < 22.0.0
  • Add the following dependency in your app/build.gradle

    dependencies {
      // Add this to track uninstalls and send push notifications from Apxor dashboard
      implementation('com.apxor.androidx:apxor-android-sdk-push:1.2.7@aar') {
        exclude group: ''
  • If you are not using FirebaseMessagingService, you can skip this step. Otherwise, add the following

    public class MyFirebaseMessagingService extends FirebaseMessagingService {
        public void onMessageReceived(RemoteMessage remoteMessage) {
            // Creating Notification Channel
            ApxorPushAPI.createNotificationChannel(this.getApplicationContext(), "Apxor", "Apxor", "Apxor");
            if (remoteMessage.getFrom().equals(YOUR_FCM_SENDER_ID)) {
                // Push Notification receiver with your Sender Id
            } else {
                // Check if Push Notification received from Apxor
                if (ApxorPushAPI.isApxorNotification(remoteMessage)) {
                    ApxorPushAPI.handleNotification(remoteMessage, getApplicationContext());
                } else {
                    // Silent or Data push notification which you can send through Apxor dashboard
  • Add the following in plugins.json file

      "plugins": [
          "name": "push",
          "class": "com.apxor.androidsdk.plugins.push.PushPlugin"

Read here on how to get your firebase sender ID and also FCM server key to share it with apxor to configure uninstall tracking.

Step 5: To view tooltips, Coachmark and Badges


To anchor a tooltip or coachmark or badge to any UI element, this step is mandatory.

If you will only use In-app messages, this step can be skipped.

In your MainActivity onCreate method you must set the tag for the WebView as follows to view the tooltips.

public class MainActivity extends CordovaActivity
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)

        // Your logic goes here


Step 6: Ensuring ApxorSDK is initialised successfully

We have to verify for two things as follows :

SDK Initialisation

On running your android project lookout for the following log in logcat :

ApxorSDK(v2**) successfully initialized for: APP_ID

Plugin Initialisation

By default, only error logs are enabled. To see debug logs for plugin initialisation and to confirm tracking event triggers, user properties. Please run the below command in terminal

adb shell setprop log.tag.Apxor VERBOSE


Apxor uploads data only when the app is minimized to the background. If you are running from Android Studio (emulators or devices), do not stop the app, just press on the "home" button in order for data to be uploaded.

Step 7: Log data to set up triggers and measure goals

Now as we are done with basic integration, we can go ahead to setup event triggers, capture data for targeting and to personalize messaging.

Please follow the guide here to log user properties, events and event properties.

iOS integration

Initialize Apxor iOS SDK

  • To Auto initialize SDK, add the following inside your application plist file.

  • Open your application's Info.plist as source code.

  • Copy paste the below piece of code, to create an entry for ApxorSDK.


To show tooltips

  • In your MainViewController (the ViewController extending the CDVViewController) init method you must set the tag for the WebView as follows to view the tooltips.

  // ...
  if (self.webView != null) {
    [self.webView setTag:123];
    NSLog(@"My webview is: %@", self.webView);
  } else {
    NSLog(@"Error in setting TAG to webview");
  // ...


Ensure your webview isn't null and the TAG is set correctly.

Ensuring ApxoriOSSDK is initialised successfully

  • Lookout for the following log in console output,

     ApxoriOSSDK (2XX) : initialized!


Apxor uploads data only when the app is minimized to the background. If you are running from XCode (emulators or devices), do not stop the app, just press on the "home" button in order for data to be uploaded.

Additional features API Guide

Click here for guides to log user properties, events and event properties.

Last updated