iOS SDK (Swift UI)

Things to keep handy before starting your integration with Apxor

Please have the following handy before beginning the integration:

Getting started with Apxor iOS

Apxor provides you easy to use plugins for your Actions. They are:

Plugin Name


The Core Plugin is responsible for the basic event tracking

How many of my users have clicked on the cart icon after showing them a nudge Sample Event : 'ViewCart'


This Plugin helps you create contextual surveys to capture your users' feedback, ratings, etc.

An NPS survey that would ask the user to rate the app experience on a scale of 1-10.


This Plugin helps you create real time actions.

Show a tooltip on the cart icon with messaging "Tap here to view items"


The WYSIWYG Plugin allows you to preview your configured actions onto your device in real time

Casting your mobile screen to the dashboard and selecting the hamburger icon


The Push Plugin allows you to track uninstalls and real-time serve/pause the nudges, while the app is opened

Show a campaign to users who land on the home screen and add an item to the cart.

Check here for the latest release notes.

Adding Apxor SDK to your project

  • Install CocoaPods, if you don't already have it. CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Swift and Objective-C Cocoa projects. It has over 95 thousand libraries and is used in over 3 million apps. CocoaPods can help you scale your projects elegantly. If you don't want to use CocoaPods, you can install ApxorSDK manually.

  • If this is your first pod, run pod init. Add the following to the corresponding target in your Podfile and run pod install.

pod 'Apxor-Core', '2.10.31'
pod 'Apxor-CE', '1.05.19'
pod 'Apxor-Push', '1.01.01'
pod 'Apxor-RTA', '1.09.32'
pod 'Apxor-WYSIWYG', '1.02.68'
pod 'Apxor-SwiftUI', '1.01.01'
pod 'Apxor-Survey', '1.04.14'

Initialize Apxor iOS SDK

  • To Auto initialize SDK (Recommended), add the following inside your application plist file.

  • Open your application's Info.plist as source code.

  • Copy paste the below piece of code, to create an entry for ApxorSDK.

  • To manually initialize SDK, call ApxorSDK.initialize method in your Application class

#import "ApxorSDK/ApxorSDK.h"

@implementation AppDelegate

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication*)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary*)launchOptions
    [ApxorSDK initializeApxorWithID:@"<YOUR_APP_ID>"];
    // ... your code
  • And open your application's Info.plist as source code.

  • Copy paste the below piece of code, to create an entry for ApxorSDK.


Initialize Apxor SwiftUI SDK

import APXSwiftUIPlugin

    .onAppear {
    initializeApxorSwiftUISDK(status: true)

Configuring IDs for View (Mandatory for inlines)

import APXSwiftUIPlugin

Text("Hello, world!")
    .APXLabel(viewId: "text", screen: "ScreenName")

Configuring Test Device

  • First, you need to configure your app to ensure there is a URL Scheme with your application's bundle identifier as the value.

  • If your app already has a URL Scheme with your application's bundle identifier as the value, you can skip this step.

Configure URL Scheme

  • To configure URL scheme, goto your project settings, select Targets. Click on the Info tab.

  • Select the URL Types, and click on the + button to add a new URL Scheme.

  • Add a new URL Scheme with your bundle identifier as the value.

  • Your bundle identifer will be in the format, com.xxxx.xxxx

  • Use the image below for reference.

struct YourApplication: App {
    var body: some Scene {
        return WindowGroup {
            TabView {
                YourView().tabItem {
            .onOpenURL { urlString in
                if(urlString.absoluteString.contains("add-test-device")) {
                    ApxorSDK .handleDeeplink(urlString)

Log Screens using the following api in Swift UI

ApxorSDK.logScreen(withName: "screen_name");

Configuring Push Notifications

  • To use the push notifications feature, make sure the following lines exist in your application plist file under Apxor section.

  • To configure iOS Push notification via Apxor dashboard, you'd need to upload APNs Auth Key file along with it's ID (key ID), your Team ID, and your application's Bundle ID.

  • The APNs Auth Key is the best way to configure pushes, as you don't need to regenerate a certificate every year and also, this key can be used to configure Push notifications to sever of your applications (under the same apple developer account)

  • Things required to configure iOS Push notification:

  • Auth Key file

    • Key ID (usuallly the name of the Auth Key file)

    • Team ID (the 10 digit alphanumeric key)

    • Your app’s bundle ID (in the format

    • See here on how to get these, Push notifications

  • Once you get those details, add the below code in your application's AppDelegate file in the application didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken function.

import APXPushPlugin

let tokenParts = { data in String(format: "%02.2hhx", data) }
let token = tokenParts.joined()
print("Device Token: \(token)")
[APXPushPlugin setPushDeviceToken:token];
  • The token can be passed in either the NSData or NSString format

  • If you haven't already used the code to Ask User for notifications permission, add the following function in your AppDelegate file.

func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {

  // your existing code ...


  // ...

func registerForPushNotifications() {
    .requestAuthorization(options: [.alert, .sound, .badge]) { [weak self] granted, error in
      print("Permission granted: \(granted)")
      guard granted else { return }

func getNotificationSettings() {
  UNUserNotificationCenter.current().getNotificationSettings { settings in
    print("Notification settings: \(settings)")
    guard settings.authorizationStatus == .authorized else { return }
    DispatchQueue.main.async {

Ensuring Apxor SDK is initialized successfully

  • Lookout for the following log

Click here for guide to log user properties, events and event properties.

Last updated