
Add Templates

You can start designing the campaign by adding templates by clicking on the ➕ icon on the left side. You can select from tooltips, inapp-messages, coachmarks and badges. Once you have found the right template, click “Select”.

Select Test Device

You will need to select a test device for the templates that will anchor to a UI element. Search and select your device name. If your device is not registered already, follow the steps here to get it registered. Open the application on your test device. Click on “Enable Widget”. Then you will see the Apxor logo on the top center of your test device screen. Click on that logo, then click on "Select this screen".


You need to add the test device again if you reinstall the application or clear the application data.

You will see the snippet of your test device screen on the right side. Select the UI element you want the template to anchor to, then click “Continue”. You can also click on the previous step to edit if needed.

Select the path or view id/tag of the UI element and click “Proceed”.

Capture Screen with the Widget for Immersive Templates

  1. After selecting the immersive card template, click on select screen on dashboard

  2. Scan QR Code using your mobile test device

  3. Click on "Launch App" in the browser page that opens

  4. Click on the Apxor Widget at the top, then click on "Toggle Embed Cards" or "Toggle Stories" to see all the embed cards present on the current screen.

  5. To capture the screen for the dashboard, click on the Apxor Widget and select "Select this screen."

Customize your Template

Text and Font

To edit the text of the title, description, or buttons, click on the text, and a popup will appear where you can edit the text, font type, font size, and font color. You can also add a custom font by adding ttf/otf file.

You can also select the Dynamic Text option as per your need. Using Dynamic Text, we can read and present any of the values of

  • User properties

  • Session Properties

  • UI element in the front end

  • Response from an API call

  • Dynamic Text

    • Provide your preferred variable name

    • Select the property type

    • Select the property you want

    • Provide the default value and click on “Add”.

    • Write your text with the variable name in curly {var_name} braces and click Save

    • You can also write the script to trigger conditional dynamic text

  • Script: We can perform the mathematical and logical operations between the values read for the variables using a few lines of code.

Unary Operators

! (Negation)

Logical Operators

&& (Logical AND)

|| (Logical OR)

Mathematical Operators

+ (Arithmetic Addition)

-(Arithmetic Subtraction)

*(Arithmetic Multiplication)

/ (Arithmetic Division)

% (Arithmetic Modulo)

Comparison Operators

< (Less than)

<= (Less than or Equals)

> (Greater than)

>= (Greater than or Equals)

== (Equality)

!= (Not Equality)

contains (Checks if a string contains another string)


httpGet, onSuccess, onError will be used to make an HTTP GET API call

format will be used to format a string

if, else will be used to write a conditional evaluation

true, false boolean keywords

toInt will be helpful to convert double/float values to integer

replace will be useful for replacing a substring in a string

Edit Design

You can choose a close button at the top-right corner of a tooltip. Click the close button radio icon in the Edit Design section to enable it in the tooltip. Once enabled, click on the cross icon in the tooltip for further customizations.

You can change the background color of the text and buttons by simply clicking on them.

You can alter the number of buttons from the available options. You can also change the button action.

  • Actions

    • Dismiss

      This action will let the user dismiss this step in the survey, and the user will be shown the next step in the flow.

    • Redirect

      This action will redirect the user to an external link or an internal page in the app.

    • Cancel

      This action will let the user end the entire flow. The flow will end when the user clicks on a button with the “cancel” action, and all the further steps will disappear.

You can also dim the background or enable animation for the nudge/tooltip.

  • In the Dismiss Config section

    • you can choose if the tooltip/coachmark should be dismissed by clicking outside anywhere on the screen.

    • you can choose if the tooltip/in-app-message/coachmark should disappear automatically after X seconds of inactivity by the user.

  • You can choose the delay time to show the campaign.

Preview on Device

You can select the test device from the bottom and click “Preview on device” to view the nudge on your test device. Ensure the Apxor overlay widget is enabled on the screen to preview the nudge. You need to kill the app and reopen it after each change for the preview.

You can see the preview screen after clicking “Refresh” on the left panel.

Know the difference between Preview vs. Test vs. Publish

Next Steps in Campaign Creation

TargetTriggerSchedule and LimitReview and TestSet Priority and Publish

Last updated