Pie Chart/Advanced Pie Chart

This Visualization breaks down data into segments, illustrating each category's contribution to the whole.

Data Visualization

Enter the following values as per the requirement.

Name of Visualization

Enter the name of your Visualization widget, which will appear on your dashboard.


Select the column name from the dropdown to use as the identifier for counting distribution in the pie chart.


Select the column name from the dropdown to divide the pie chart into slices based on its distinct values.

Custom Filters

You can filter the data in the final output on the dashboard according to your needs.

Choose whether to include data using the = operator or exclude it using the != operator. You can also use the regex operator and provide the regex formula.


Color: You can customize the coloring for the pie chart.

Pie Chart Type: You can select whether you want Normal Pie Chart or Donut.

Dimension Units:

Select the unit from the dropdown to be displayed on the dashboard.

Following unit options are available

Second = sec

Minutes = mins

Hours = hrs

Days = days

Week = week

View Chart

Click on View Chart to preview it before adding it to the dashboard.

Last updated