Custom Dashboards
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Custom Dashboard is a place where you can keep an eye on your key metrics. Add the data widgets to track your metrics at a glance.
Click on Custom Dashboard under the Analytics section in the left panel. You will be redirected to Custom Dashboards listing page. You can find the list of custom dashboards created if any. Click on the dashboard name to open the dashboard.
Click on Add Custom Dashboard on the top right CTA on the custom dashboard listings page.
Enter the name for the Dashboard and click create.
You will land on a blank dashboard. Click on Add Widget CTA in the top right corner.
Select your preferred widget from the following
Hourly Distribution
Distribution of the selected event count per hour.
Unique users or events count for today, yesterday, the last week, and the last month
Event Trends
Number of users / events trended over a specific time
Segment Trends
Number of users in a segment trended over a specific time
Segment Breakdown
Breakdown distribution of the users that fall in a segment by a property
Stickiness Metric
Shows visitor or account engagement as a ratio of short term versus long term return frequency. For example, Daily Active Users(DAU) versus Monthly Active Users(MAU)
Custom Formulae
This widget offers you greater flexibility when performing analyses. Custom formulae are useful in observing the aggregates and relative metrics.
This is a bar graph showing the Distribution of the selected event count per hour.
Enter the name for the widget, which will be displayed over the graph in the Dashboard.
Select the event for tracking.
Select the Date Range for tracking the event.
Click on Apply & Preview to see the graph in the adjacent window
Then Click on Add to Dashboard
The graph will be added to your dashboard.
This is a simple graph displaying four circles with values for unique users or total events count for today, yesterday, the last week, and the last month for the selected event.
Enter the name for the widget, which will be displayed over the graph in the Dashboard.
Select the event for tracking.
Select whether you want Unique number of users or total number of event count for the same.
Click on Apply and Preview to preview the graph before adding to the dashboard.
Click on Add to Dashboard to add it to the dashboard
Number of users / events trended over a specific time. This is a line graph, with a line for the selected event.
X-axis represents the dates falling in the date range. Y-axis represents the User or the Event Count.
On hovering over the graph, you can see the user or event count for the event on the date mentioned on X-Axis.
Enter the name for the widget, which will be displayed over the graph in the Dashboard.
Select the event for tracking
Event Trend
Select this if you want to analyze the number of times this event was logged.
User Trend
Select this if you want to analyze the number of unique users performing this event.
Select the date range for which you want to analyze.
Click on Apply and Preview to preview the graph before adding to the dashboard.
Click on Add to Dashboard to add it to the dashboard
Number of users in a segment trended over a specific time. This is a line graph, with a line for each of the segment selected.
X-axis represents the dates falling in the date range. Y-axis represents the User Count.
On hovering over the graph, you can see the user count for each of the segment on the date mentioned on X-Axis.
Enter the name for the widget, which will be displayed over the graph in the Dashboard.
Select the Segments for tracking. You can select multiple segments
Select the date range for which you want to analyze.
Click on Apply and Preview to preview the graph before adding to the dashboard.
Click on Add to Dashboard to add it to the dashboard
This is a pie chart showing the breakdown distribution of the users that fall in a segment by a property.
On hovering over the graph, you can see the property value and its share in percentage.
Enter the name for the widget, which will be displayed over the graph in the Dashboard.
Select the Segment for tracking.
Select the property on which you want the breakdown.
Select the date range for which you want to analyze.
Click on Apply and Preview to preview the graph before adding to the dashboard.
Click on Add to Dashboard to add it to the dashboard
This is a line graph that shows visitor or account engagement as a ratio of short term versus long term return frequency. For example, Daily Active Users(DAU) versus Monthly Active Users(MAU).
X-axis represents the dates falling in the date range. Y-axis represents the selected ratio.
On hovering over the graph, you can see the ratio and numbers for the selected metric on the date mentioned on X-Axis.
Enter the name for the widget, which will be displayed over the graph in the Dashboard.
Select the metric from the dropdown that you want to analyze
DAU/MAU: ratio of daily active users to monthly active users
DAU/WAU: ratio of daily active users to weekly active users
WAU/MAU: ratio of weekly active users to monthly active users
Select the date range for which you want to analyze.
Click on Apply and Preview to preview the graph before adding to the dashboard.
Click on Add to Dashboard to add it to the dashboard
This widget offers you greater flexibility when performing analyses. Custom formulas are useful in observing the aggregates and relative metrics.
Enter the name for the widget, which will be displayed over the graph in the Dashboard.
Add the events on which you would like to apply the formulae.
You can also filter and group by the properties of the event.
Select the formulae from the dropdown
Select the event on which you want it to be applied.
You can also perform mathematical operations after applying formulae on two events. Select the operator and formulae for the second event.
In your formulas, refer to events selected in the Events Module by their corresponding letter. The functions and the parameters are not case sensitive. You can also perform the following arithmetic operations:
Parenthesis ()
Addition (+)
Subtraction (-)
Multiplication (*)
Division (/)
For example, the letter A in the formula UNIQUES(A)
below refers to the event View Item Details
while the letter B in the formula UNIQUES(B)
below refers to the event Add Item to Cart
. This setup will display the ratio of users who viewed an item's details to users who placed an item in their cart.
With metrics formulas, you can query on a metric for a particular event you are interested in. Each metrics formula requires a letter corresponding to the event you're interested in as a parameter.
Syntax: AVG(event)
Event: Refers to the event you are interested in. This must be a letter that corresponds to an event in the left module of the chart control panel.
Returns the average number of times the event was triggered. This function is equivalent to TOTALS(event)/UNIQUES(event)
Syntax: HIST(event)
Event: Refers to the event you are interested in. This must be a letter that corresponds to an event in the Events card.
Returns the distribution of the event frequency per unique user over the selected time period.
Syntax: PROPAVG(event)
Event: Refers to the event you are interested in. This must be a letter that corresponds to an event in the Events card.
This function will only work if you are grouping by a numerical property on the event. If grouping by multiple properties, the formula will perform the calculation with the first group-by clause.
Returns the average of the property values you are grouping by. This function is equivalent to PROPSUM(event)/TOTALS(event)
NOTE: The PROPAVG formula ignores events where the selected property value is (none)
Syntax: PROPCOUNT(event)
Event: Refers to the event you are interested in. This must be a letter that corresponds to an event in the Events card. If grouping by multiple properties, the formula will perform the calculation with the first group by clause.
Returns the number of distinct property values for the property the event is grouped by.
Note that PROPCOUNT is an estimate of distinct property values. This estimate is generated by a HyperLogLog algorithm, and its accuracy depends on amount of data it has to work with. Expect a relative error in the range of 0.1% for less than 12,000 unique values, and up to 0.5% for more than 12,000 unique property values, depending on the cardinality of the property.
Syntax: PROPCOUNTAVG(event)
Event: Refers to the event you are interested in. This must be a letter that corresponds to an event in the Events card. If grouping by multiple properties, the formula will perform the calculation with the first group-by clause.
Returns the average number of distinct values each user has for a specified property.
For example, imagine you're interested in the average number of song genres your music app subscribers listen to. Every time a song is played, a Play Song or Video
event will trigger; each played song also captures a Genre_Type
event property. Running PROPCOUNTAVG
on Play Song or Video
grouped by Genre_Type
will give you the average number of unique Genre_Type
values users who fire PlaySong or Video
Syntax: PROPHIST(event)
Event: Refers to the event you are interested in. This must be a letter that corresponds to an event in the Events card.
This function will only work if you are grouping by a numerical property on the event. If grouping by multiple properties, the formula will perform the calculation with the first group by clause.
Returns the distribution of the property values you are grouping by over the selected time period.
Syntax: PROPMAX(event)
Event: returns the maximum value of the property you are grouping the specified event by. The property must be numeric. If grouping by multiple properties, the calculation will be performed using the first group-by clause.
Syntax: PROPMIN(event)
Event: returns the minimum value of the property you are grouping the specified event by. The property must be numeric. If grouping by multiple properties, the calculation will be performed using the first group-by clause.
Syntax: PROPSUM(event)
Event: Refers to the event you are interested in. This must be a letter that corresponds to an event in the Events card. The event must be grouped by the property you'd like to sum.
This function will only work if you are grouping by a numerical property on the event. If grouping by multiple properties, the formula will perform the calculation with the first group-by clause.
Returns the sum of the property values you are grouping the specified event by.
Syntax: TOTALS(event)
Event: Refers to the event you are interested in. This must be a letter that corresponds to an event in the left module of the chart control panel.
Returns the total number of times the event was triggered. The setup below will show the total number of times an item's details were viewed, plus the total number of times an item was added to a cart.
Syntax: UNIQUES(event)
Event: Refers to the event you are interested in. This must be a letter that corresponds to an event in the Events card.
Returns the number of unique users who triggered the event. For example, the following setup shows the ratio of users who viewed an item's details to the users who added an item to their cart.