
Here is how you can quickly migrate the events from WebEngage to Apxor for setting up campaign triggers when there is no seperate analytics class that sends the events from a single place.

  1. Add the following dependency to your application build.gradle file and click on Sync Now button.

    Path: <project>/app/build.gradle
        // Event tracking and a must have dependency for other plugins
        implementation 'com.apxor.android:event-logging-helper:1.5.3@aar'
        // ..
  2. Find and replace all of the selected SDK event logging APIs with Apxor provided function

    Replace this

    AppsFlyerLib.getInstance().logEvent(context, eventName, properties);

    with this

    ApxorAppsFlyer.logClientEvent(AppsFlyerLib.getInsance(), context, eventName, properties);

Last updated